Is there a way to use the ECMAScript Internationalization API with nodejs?
For now, i only need the timezone support:
new Date().toLocaleString("en-US", {timeZone: "America/New_York"})
which works very well with chrome, but not with node. Are there any options like --harmony to activate it?
Internationalization is turned off in v8 when built for node.js. The reason is that the library that provides it significantly increases the size of the node binary for a small perceived gain. You can turn it back on if you're willing to build node from source. First you'll have to check out the github repo ( and then do the following from the repo root:
svn checkout --force --revision 214189 \ \
./configure --with-icu-path=deps/v8/third_party/icu46/icu.gyp
make install
These instructions are from the of that repo, which can be read at