I know you can limit number of connections per ip, per time interval etc, but what I am wanting is amount of data.
I'm hosting a socket server, and I thought rather than making it do the processing to check for flooding - offload it to the firewall. I know you can guard against syn flooding attacks, like mentioned here:
For example:
# Limit the number of incoming tcp connections
# Interface 0 incoming syn-flood protection
iptables -N syn_flood
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn -j syn_flood
iptables -A syn_flood -m limit --limit 1/s --limit-burst 3 -j RETURN
iptables -A syn_flood -j DROP
#Limiting the incoming icmp ping request:
iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -m limit --limit 1/s --limit-burst 1 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -m limit --limit 1/s --limit-burst 1 -j LOG --log-prefix PING-DROP:
iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -j DROP
iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
I'm not sure what iptables can do, so the question is a bit vague. But since web-sockets use tcp I should be able to limit number of bytes per second. And flag connections exceeding that limit or just drop them, whatever.
I can't seem to find a good reference on this, as they are all about tracking connections etc, not data transfer. Does anyone know of a good reference or how to do this? Is iptables not a good firewall for this? if not what is?
The kernel-side firewall is the fastest and the most secure software solution (difficult to kill the kernel isn't it?). Using it have also the advantage to use the hardware firewall found on some network controllers. Iptables is the primary tool for controlling it, but there are many others frontends with easier syntax.
If you want to configure easier, you should use this :.
Keep in mind tracking byte count for each IP can use lot of memory.
In your case I would install ipset, which is developed by the same team of iptables :
#create ipset for accounting with default lifetime 300 secs
ipset create IP_QUOTA_SET hash:ip timeout 300 counters
#create separated rule chain
iptables --new-chain PER_IP_QOUTING
#send packets to chain
iptables -t filter -A INPUT \
-i <in-iface> --dst <ip> \
-p tcp --dport <dstport> \
#if ip doesn't exist in the set, add it
iptables -t filter -A PER_IP_QUOTING \
-m set ! --match-set IP_QUOTA_SET src \
-j SET --add-set IP_QUOTA_SET src --timeout 300
#if packet exists in the set, check bytes
#if byte counter > quota then drop packet
iptables -t filter -A PER_IP_QUOTING \
-m set --match-set IP_QUOTA_SET src \
--bytes-gr 1000 -j DROP
#pass other packets (for debug purpose)
iptables -t filter -A PER_IP_QUOTING \
In this case you can check the list and edit it by ipset command.
To show current list with counters and timeouts :ipset list IP_QUOTA_SET
STRONG NOTE : iptables is Linux specific and is available since linux 2.4. The kernel implementation along the userspace tools did change in 2.0 and 2.2 previously.
The 3.13 version introduced a new change which will replace ipset; arptables; ebtables; ip6tables, and iptables with a single tool.
As with previous versions, their will be a transition period where frontends like vuurmuur will remain compatible with the kernel, but don't expect to use iptables in the future.