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OS X firewall popup about growlnotify keeps popping up

I have autotest setup with growlnotify using growl_glue (version 1.0.7):

require 'growl_glue'
GrowlGlue::Autotest.initialize do |config|
  config.notification :use_network_notifications => true

growl version is 1.2

each time autotest runs and displays the notification growl popup I also get an OS X firewall popup asking Do you want the application "growlnotify" to accept incoming network connections?

I tried answering deny and allow but it still keeps popping up.

the deny/allow choice is properly reflected in System Preferences -> Security -> Firewall -> 'application access list', but it still asks every time.


I ended up using autotest-growl gem instead of the growl_glue. it fixed the problem, it was probably related to how growl_glue was calling growlnotify.


  • I had a similar problem with the Remote Desktop application. To fix it I trashed the folder located at /Contents/_CodeSignature inside the application package. I would try that for growl.

    Here's the forum post where I found the solution back when I was troubleshooting it.