I have the following situation:
A user will define a certain filter on a page, and on postback I will query the database using that filter and return a bunch of matching records to the user, each with a checkbox next to it, so he can choose whether to act on each of those records.
In Classic ASP / PHP I can generate a lot of controls named "chk__*" and then on postback go through all the $POST entries looking for the ones prefixed "chk".
What is the best way to do this in ASP.Net 2.0?
I can do it easily by implementing a Repeater with a Template containing the checkbox, bind the Repeater to a Dataset, and then on the second Postback, I just do:
For Each it As RepeaterItem In repContacts.Items
Dim chkTemp As CheckBox = DirectCast(it.FindControl("cbSelect"), CheckBox)
If chkTemp.Checked Then
End If
However this has the slight disadvantage of giving me a HUGE Viewstate, which is really bad because the client will need to re-upload the whole viewstate to the server, and these people will probably be using my site over a crappy connection.
Any other ideas? (I can also create the controls dynamically and iterate through Request.Form as in the old days, however, I was looking for a cleaner
Do it the same way you did it in classic ASP. Use <input type="checkbox"> instead of <asp:checkbox>. You can access the raw post paramaters using Request.Form