i want to create a custom function to simplify the get-messagetrackinglog commandlet. It's nothing complicated, but simplifies the query a little bit.
The function works correctly, but i want to convert the totalbytes to Kilobyte in the function, if desired.
function Get-ExchangeMessagetrackinglog {
Get-ExchangeMessagetrackinglog -Recipient "user@tld.com" -Sender "sender@tld.com" -Begin "01/04/2014" -Ende "05/05/2014" | select Timestamp,Sender,Recipients,Messagesubject,@{label="Kilobytes";Expression={[int]($_.totalbytes/1kb)} }| ft -auto
[String]$ExchangeConnector = "*",
[Datetime]$Ende=(get-date -uformat "%m/%d/%y %T"),
[String]$Recipient = "*",
[String]$Sender = "*",
[String]$EventID = "Receive",
[String]$Source = "SMTP"
Get-Exchangeserver | `
where { $_.isHubTransportServer -eq $True -or $_.isMailboxServer -eq $True } | `
get-messagetrackinglog -Start $Begin -End $Ende -ResultSize Unlimited | `
where-object { `
$_.recipients -like $Recipient -and `
$_.sender -like $Sender -and `
$_.EventID -eq $EventID -and `
$_.Source -like $Source -and `
$_.connectorID -like $ExchangeConnector}
My Question: Is it possible to simplify the function call (.example) ? I'm not familiar in creating custom objects, but it is possible to create an totalkilobytes object.
What do you think about this?
function Get-ExchangeMessagetrackinglog {
[String]$ExchangeConnector = "*",
[Datetime]$Ende=(get-date -uformat "%m/%d/%y %T"),
[String]$Recipient = "*",
[String]$Sender = "*",
[String]$EventID = "Receive",
[String]$Source = "SMTP"
#Get-Exchangeserver | where { $_.isHubTransportServer -eq $True -or $_.isMailboxServer -eq $True } |
$Return= get-messagetrackinglog -Start $Begin -End $Ende -ResultSize Unlimited | where-object { $_.recipients -like $Recipient -and $_.sender -like $Sender -and $_.EventID -eq $EventID -and $_.Source -like $Source -and $_.connectorID -like $ExchangeConnector}
foreach ($returnvalue in $return) { $Returnvalue | add-member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name TotalKB -Value ([math]::round($returnvalue.totalbytes/ 1kb,2 ))
$Returnvalue | add-member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name TotalMB -Value ([math]::round($returnvalue.totalbytes/ 1MB,2 ))
Get-ExchangeMessagetrackinglog -Begin "01/05/2014" -Ende "05/05/2014" | select timestamp,totalkb,sender,recipients,messagesubject | sort totalkb | ft -auto