scheduler = :lockfile => ".rufus-scheduler.lock"
scheduler.every("60") do
Environment: Ubuntu, rails 4, rufus, unicorn, nginx
Unicorn has multiple workers, so the above 'every' task will be executed multiple times every 60 seconds.
According to the answer for this one: rufus scheduler running twice each time , I added :lockfile option, and it works!
However, from the log, it seems that the 'every' task still tries to be called, resulting in a lot of error messages:
E, [2014-05-09T01:59:47.496840 #2747] ERROR -- : cannot schedule, scheduler is down or shutting down (Rufus::Scheduler::NotRunningError)
/home/sohmobile/shared/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/rufus-scheduler-3.0.7/lib/rufus/scheduler.rb:605:in `do_schedule'
/home/sohmobile/shared/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/rufus-scheduler-3.0.7/lib/rufus/scheduler.rb:209:in `every'
/home/sohmobile/releases/20140509014407/config/initializers/task_scheduler.rb:3:in `<top (required)>'
How can I solve this issue?
Thanks in advance.
This could solve your issue:
require 'rufus-scheduler'
scheduler = => ".rufus-scheduler.lock")
unless scheduler.down?
scheduler.every("60") do
# ...