I got a very strange error when I try to present a viewcontroller from a UIAlertview button. It crashed on the prsentViewController line. Backtrace shows it failed to loadView. How can I fix this? The source code is below:
- (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex
if (alertView == _alertView) {
switch (buttonIndex) {
case 0:
[alertView dismissWithClickedButtonIndex:buttonIndex animated:YES];
NSString *nibName = IS_IPAD? NSStringFromClass([UINewUserAccountViewController class]) : [NSStringFromClass([UINewUserAccountViewController class]) stringByAppendingString:@"~iPhone"];
UINewUserAccountViewController *newUserAccountViewController = [[UINewUserAccountViewController alloc] initWithNibName:nibName bundle:nil];
newUserAccountViewController.delegate = self;
UINavigationController *navi = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:newUserAccountViewController];
[self presentViewController:navi animated:YES completion:nil];
With @rckoenes 's help I finally found the error after I hit a couple of times when I get the exception. It stops at UIViewController loadFromNibName because the line
[NSStringFromClass([UINewUserAccountViewController class]) stringByAppendingString:@"~iPhone"]
returns a nib name but in the xib file with that name the root view is not a file outlet. After I link the view to file outlet the exception goes away.