I'm writing a game but i'm having a problem with my panels displaying. It seems to be almost all of them so I'm going to pick a specific one and cut and paste all relevant code. I'm trying to use gridbaglayout and card layout.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class GridBadLayout extends JPanel
public GridBadLayout()
final GridBagLayout BAG = new GridBagLayout(); //layout for panels
JButton newB; //button to play a new game
JButton quitB; //button to quit the game
JPanel menuP; //hold menu buttons
JPanel messageP; //card -- messages
GridBagConstraints conBag; //set component constraints
CardLayout card; //card layout
JLabel newGameL; //new game prompt message
JLabel roll1L; //'1' rolled message
JLabel snakeEyesL; //snake eyes rolled message
JLabel maxPointL; //25+ points rolled
/*********** START ***************/
//instantiate grid constraints
conBag = new GridBagConstraints();
//instantiate card objects
card = new CardLayout();
//instantiate panels and layouts
menuP = new JPanel(BAG);
messageP = new JPanel(card);
//instantiate buttons
newB = new JButton("New Game");
quitB = new JButton("Quit");
//instantiate labels
newGameL = new JLabel("Welcome!! Enter your names and press 'PLAY'");
roll1L = new JLabel("You rolled a 1. Lose Your TURN!");
snakeEyesL = new JLabel("SNAKE EYES!! Lose Your POINTS!");
maxPointL = new JLabel("You have 25+ points! Next player's turn.");
//add cards
//message panel
card.addLayoutComponent(newGameL, "NewGame");
card.addLayoutComponent(roll1L, "OneRolled");
card.addLayoutComponent(snakeEyesL, "SnakeEyes");
card.addLayoutComponent(maxPointL, "MaxPoints");
//build main panels
//constraints for new game button
conBag.gridx = 0;
conBag.gridy = 0;
conBag.gridwidth = 2;
conBag.gridheight = 2;
conBag.weightx = .15;
conBag.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
//constraints for message panel
conBag.gridx = 2;
conBag.gridy = 0;
conBag.gridwidth = 8;
conBag.gridheight = 2;
conBag.weightx = .7;
conBag.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
//constraints for quit button
conBag.gridx = 10;
conBag.gridy = 0;
conBag.gridwidth = 2;
conBag.gridheight = 3;
conBag.weightx = .15;
conBag.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
This next line shouldn't be necessary because it should auto load the first card.
Just putting it in here in case that is someone's first thought on the issue.
card.show(messageP, "NewGame");
The two buttons show scrunched next to each other. But with the GridBagLayout and the constraints set there should be a large gap in between them which is where the message panel should fit in.
The full program is much longer this is a copy and paste of every part that will show the problem. This code will compile and run as is.
I think you will find this code example on CardLayout very helpful. The problem you were having is instead of using:
card.addLayoutComponent(newGameL, "NewGame");
card.addLayoutComponent(roll1L, "OneRolled");
card.addLayoutComponent(snakeEyesL, "SnakeEyes");
card.addLayoutComponent(maxPointL, "MaxPoints");
you should use:
then you use:
to switch to the appropriate JLabel.
or you can use:
to rotate through the values.