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iBeacon entry/exit notifications sent even when the specific notification is turned off

I'm trying to activate either the notifyOnExit or notifyOnEntry property of an iBeacon using startMonitoringForRegion:. However, locationManager:didDetermineState:forRegion: is still called for CLRegionStateInside although notifyOnEntry was turned off or for CLRegionStateOutside although notifyOnExit was turned off (I confirmed that the flags were indeed turned of by checking the values for the region argument to locationManager:didDetermineState:forRegion:).

So I'm getting more notifications that I want to. Obviously I could just check the flag values myself before posting the notifications, but I would like to first check here to see if anyone else has some insight (could post more code if need be).


  • I'm not sure the notifyOnExit and notifyOnEntry flags affect the locationManager:didDetermineState:forRegion: callback. I think they may just affect the locationManager:DidEnterRegion: and locationManager:DidExitRegion: callbacks.

    Have you tried using those?