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how to convert floating-point number to IEEE 754 using assembly

can you please help me to convert floating-point number to IEEE 754 using assembly

i have this number -1.75 and i know it equla to -1.11000000000000000000000 E+0 on IEEE754 but i dont know how to do the convert in assembly


  • Did you mean something like this:

    ; Conversion of an ASCII-coded decimal rational number (DecStr)
    ; to an ASCII-coded decimal binary number (BinStr) as 32-bit single (IEEE 754)
    include \masm32\include\        ; MASM32 headers, mainly for printf
        DecStr db "-1.75",0
        BinStr db 40 dup (0)
        result REAL4 ?
        number dd 0
        frac dd 0
        divisor dd 1
    main PROC
        mov edi, offset DecStr
        xor edx, edx
        @@:                         ; integer part
        movzx eax, byte ptr [edi]
        inc edi
        test al, al                 ; end of string?
        jz ToFPU                    ; yes: end of parsing
        cmp al, '.'                 ; decimal point?
        je @F                       ; yes: end of loop (jump forward to the next @@)
        cmp al, '-'                 ; negative?
        je @B                       ; yes: next character (jump backward to the last @@)
        imul edx, 10                ; prior result * 10
        and al, 0Fh                 ; eliminate ASCII-part
        add edx, eax                ; add eax store result
        jmp @B                      ; loop: next character (jump backward to the last @@)
        @@:                         ; end of loop
        mov number, edx
        ; fractional part
        mov ecx, 1                  ; divisor for later division
        xor edx, edx                ; holds the result
        @@:                         ; loop
        movzx eax, byte ptr [edi]
        inc edi
        test al, al                 ; end of string?
        jz ToFPU                    ; yes
        and al, 0Fh                 ; eliminate ASCII-part
        imul ecx, 10                ; "increment" divisor
        imul edx, 10                ; prior number * 10
        add edx, eax                ; new number
        jmp @B                      ; loop (jump backward to the last @@)
        mov frac, edx               ; for 'fild'
        fild frac
        mov divisor, ecx            ; for 'fidiv'
        fidiv divisor               ; correct fractional number
        fiadd number                ; add integer part
        cmp byte ptr DecStr, '-'    ; negative?
        jne @F                      ; no: jump forward to the next @@ 
        fchs                        ; change sign of st(0) to '-'
        fstp result                 ; store result
        ToBinStr:                   ;
        mov edi, offset BinStr      ; first position in string
        mov eax, result             ; REAL4
        ; Sign
        bt eax, 31                  ; carry if sign-bit is set
        jnc @F                      ; jump if positive (forward to the next @@)
        mov bl, '-'                 ; minus-character
        mov [edi], bl               ; store it into BinStr
        inc edi                     ; increment pointer to BinStr
        ; integer part & point
        mov bx, ".1"                ; store '1.' into BinStr
        mov [edi], bx
        add edi, 2                  ; increment pointer to BinStr
        ; fractional part
        mov ecx, 22                 ; first bit position for bt
        and eax, 007FFFFFh          ; isolate mantissa
        bt eax, ecx                 ; carry if bit is set
        setc bl                     ; 1 if carry else 0
        or bl, 30h                  ; convert to AsCII
        mov byte ptr [edi], bl      ; store it into BinStr
        inc edi                     ; next position in string
        sub ecx, 1                  ; next bit
        jnc @B                      ; loop (jump backward to the last @@)
        ; exponent
        mov word ptr [edi], 'E '    ; store 'E ' into BinStr
        add edi, 2                  ; increment pointer to BinStr
        movzx eax, word ptr result + 2  ; we need only the high word
        shr ax, 7                   ; exponent -> al
        xor ah, ah                  ; the sign bit was left
        sub al, 127                 ; minus BIAS
        mov bl, '+'
        jnc @F                      ; jump if positive exponent (forward to the next @@)
        mov bl, '-'
        neg al                      ; abs(al)
        mov [edi], bl               ; store sign into BinStr
        inc edi                     ; increment pointer to BinStr
        mov ecx, 7                  ; first bit-position for 'bt'
        bt eax, ecx                 ; carry if bit is set
        setc bl                     ; 1 if carry else 0
        or bl, 30h                  ; convert to ASCII
        mov byte ptr [edi], bl      ; store it into BinStr
        inc edi                     ; next position in string
        sub ecx, 1                  ; next bit
        jnc @B                      ; loop (jump backward to the last @@)
        printf ("%s\n",offset BinStr)   ;
        invoke ExitProcess, 0
    main ENDP
    END main