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Significance of text inside square brackets

  1. Hello, can you please explain me what is the significance of [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("activityid")] in the following code?

    public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference ActivityId
            return this.GetAttributeValue<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference>("activityid");
            this.SetAttributeValue("activityid", value);

    I searched for this thing and I got many posts which gave me answer as the ones in square brackets are Attributes in C#. But, then attributes are related with methods. Over here, ActivityId doesn't seem to be a method. So, how can [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.AttributeLogicalNameAttribute("activityid")] act as an attribute?

  2. Is it related to C# or it has got something to do with CRM?


  • The confusion comes from your statement about attributes only being valid on methods. Attributes can be valid on items specified in the AttributeTargets enum:

    This then puts you back to the answer being "they are attributes". That attribute has simply been applied to a property.