I need to access the bluetooth on Android in my Kivy app.
I am trying to setup pyjnius on Windows for developing my app. I downloaded pyjnius from GitHub and tried to setup it up for python in the kivy folder.
Following the setup, I tried to run the tests and I get an error that I don't understand.
I am very new to Android development, and can´t quite understand what might be problem.
What am I doing wrong in my installation process? I have JRE and JDK installed in my PC.
--- Edited on May 13 2014 ---
Following Ryan´s suggestion, I tried to install python for android on Window 7.
I downloaded the Android SDK API14 and the NDK and setting up the following environment variables:
ANDROIDSDK = D:\Users\108354\work\android_sdk\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20140321\sdk
ADROIDNDK = D:\Users\108354\work\android-ndk-r9d
I cloned the github repository and executed the following command:
./distribute.sh -m "kivy"
But when I do this, I run into the following error:
I have setup the directories for the SDK and NDK correctly and have API14.
You don't need to install pyjnius. If you want to use Kivy on Android, you should use the python-for-android project. P4A already includes pyjnius and Kivy, and has scripts to include other Python modules and to create an APK from your application.
python-for-android also provides a VirtualBox VM, which can make this process much easier for Windows users.