in my IOS game, I have two ViewControllers: One MenuViewController and the other one is the ViewController, on which I have a SKView for the game itself and a UIImageView, which I use as a restartView to restart the game after "gameover" and is only displayed then.
So I want to use iAd only if my "restartView" is displayed. While the game is running, theres no ad displayed, but it's initialized, yet (because the viewController is already loaded). If theres a "gameover" I set the alpha of the adBannerView to 1 and the alpha of my restartView to 1.
The question is now: Will I get revenue from this adBannerView, because it's the same one all the time, but only displayed if theres a "game over" and faded out if the user restarts the game (But it's in the background though).
Should I use interstitial ads or is there a possibility to reload an adBannerView or does it work this way without problems ???
Thanks in advance
@Amir yes, and also this is available for iOS 4 and onwards.