Search code examples

How to write this Solr query in a more compact style?

Given a white space tokenized field containing only numbers, I want to write a query able to match the documents containing:

1) ALL the numbers in a Set A


2) At least one of the numbers in a Set B

This is what I wrote

q=wstf:( 1 AND 2 AND 3 AND 4 ) AND ( 5 OR 6 OR 7 OR 8 )  // (Set A) AND (Set B)

I remember (but I might be wrong) that it is possible to specify the default operator within the expression (I'm NOT talking about the q.op parameter) in order to get something like

q=wstf:(AND 1 2 3 4) AND wstf:(OR 5 6 7 8)

But I cannot find anything like this in the Reference Guide.


Please, notice I set the default operator to AND

Any help?


  • You will only be able to leave off the operator you specified as default, in your case AND, and combine the query in one statement:

    q=wstf:(1 2 3 4 (5 OR 6 OR 7 OR 8))

    That is not as nice and short as you hoped to get, but at least a little bit shorter...