I want to show future response in UI in a liftweb framework.
Following is a Loggable
snippet method(processRequest
) I'm currently using to respond back future object to UI textarea
using SetHtml
but blocking with Thread.sleep
27 def render = {
45 def processRequest() : JsCmd = {
47 val future_ : LAFuture[String] = new LAFuture()
49 val urlRequest = url(request)
51 val future = Http(urlRequest OK as.String)
58 future onSuccess {
59 case json =>
60 resp = json
61 logger.info(s"[onSuccess] response => ${json}")
62 SetHtml("response", Text(resp+"")) //FIXME
63 logger.info(s"[onSuccess] response => ${json}") //works fine
65 }
67 future onFailure {
68 case exception =>
69 logger.info(s"${exception.getMessage()}")
70 }
71 Thread.sleep(2000) //TEMPORARY FIX
72 logger.info("[outside] response => ${resp}")
73 SetHtml("response", Text(resp)) //it works in blocking mode
74 }
77 "@requestid" #> text(requestid, s => requestid = s) &
78 "@request" #> text(request , s => request = s) &
79 "@response" #> textarea(responseString, s=>responseString = s) &
81 "@processreq" #> ajaxSubmit("Send Request", processRequest)
75 }
doesn't work inside onSuccess
, though I get json there. SetHtml
has following doc,
Replaces the content of the node with the provided id with the markup given by content
This is analogous to assigning a new value to a DOM object's innerHtml property in Javascript.
I have all this app available at github.
What I want is solution to SetHtml
in handling future object where the request itself is through ajax.
returns a JsCmd
, but in order for that to be sent to the browser it would need to be part of a server response. However, as you are calling it asynchronously there is no response to send it with and therefore the browser never receives it. To fix that you have two options:
command.There is a quick example with Lift actors here (unfortunately uses the old bind syntax in render) which illustrates how to send a message and have that execute setHtml
: https://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/liftweb/Comet_Support