I'm trying to configure an Ephesoft Community Batch Class to export Documents to Alfresco by using CMIS.
I have followed Ephesoft documentation with no luck.
If I carry out a scanning process, it fails on Export module. Log file says that there is a "conflict".
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisConstraintException: Conflict
I have tried with a customized DLF-Attribute-mapping and with an empty DLF-Attribute-mapping, without result.
Can somebody help me?
I have not reputation to add Ephesoft tag.
Finally I found out the problem.
Ephesoft Community (at least on Windows) uses a very old version of opencmis. Indeed it uses a 0.2 incubation version.
I don't know if the version of that library is directly related whit the error, but for avoid it, you need to configure Ephesoft to create a cmis:document as a major version.
It can be done, changing a parameter in dcma_cmis configuration file.
Maybe it helps someone.