I'm using the ClientInfo class from RESTlet to get the user agent from the browser used by the client.
It works fine but it is kind of out-dated (the new Opera is detected as Chrome, and so on...) so I want manually insert my templates to the agent.properties file. The problem is I don't know where the agent.properties file is. I just have the jar file from RESTlet.
From the link above, it says:
Restlet users has the ability to define their own way to extract data from the "user-agent" header. It is based on a list of templates declared in a file called "agent.properties" and located in the classpath in the sub directory "org/restlet/data".
Anyone knows where is that agent.properties file?
It is in the core restlet library jar (org.restlet) at version 2.2, Sitting in the same package as the ClientInfo class. I have not checked back to 2.0 but I suspect that it remains there.
the github location for the master copy is currently at https://github.com/restlet/restlet-framework-java/blob/master/modules/org.restlet/src/org/restlet/data/agent.properties and I'm sure that a patch to deal with upgraded browser versions, could be welcomed.