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how to generate an outputlink from database?

Im starting with jsf with icefaces and i need to do this this is my mysql table

links table

I want to generate an outputlink for each row, thats what i did



  • Based on Mr @BalusC's answer, you can achieve that by :

    <h:dataTable value="#{bean.someList}" var="v" binding="#{someList}" rules="all">
              <f:facet name="header">titulos</f:facet> #{v.field1}
              <f:facet name="header">link</f:facet> #{v.field2}
              <h:outputLink>www.newentity#{someList.rowIndex + 1}.com</h:outputLink>

    In case the generated current website number does not depend to the row table, but rather to some current entity value, then replace the last column content by:
