I am working on such a project where apps do the following things:
1.Getting user current location. 2. Get local notifications when user enters or nearby the particular locations i provided.
What i have done is:
I have downloaded the regions sample code(apple provided) to find out my current location using IOS corelocation framework.It works fine.here's the code below:
// Create a new region based on the center of the map view.
CLLocationCoordinate2D coord = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(regionsMapView.centerCoordinate.latitude, regionsMapView.centerCoordinate.longitude);
CLRegion *newRegion = [[CLRegion alloc] initCircularRegionWithCenter:coord radius:2.0 identifier:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f, %f", regionsMapView.centerCoordinate.latitude, regionsMapView.centerCoordinate.longitude]];
Now, my question is how to add specific regions with latitude& longitude to get notified?
Help is highly appreciated.Anybody knows any example or tutorial.
Explore the location-based services provided by the iOS Core Location framework.
here are some good tutorials. It may help you