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Retrieve data from klout exception KloutHTTPError

I am trying to retrieve klouID using the kloud python API. I am taking username from mongo database and I am trying to retrieve kloudid using this username. I ve noticed that I can retrieve ids only for some users(they, or some of their follower are registered in klout). Thus I want to create a try - except in order to overcome the raise KloutHTTPError( e, uri) klout.api.KloutHTTPError: ERROR: HTTP Error 404: Not Found error for the users that klout cannot return a kloudid.

My code :

for cursor in collection.find().limit(100):
    name =  cursor['database'].get('name')
    print name
    kloutId = k.identity.klout(screenName=name).get('id')
    score = k.user.score(kloutId=kloutId).get('score')
    print "User's klout score is: %s" % (score)
    # By default all communication is not secure (HTTP). An optional secure parameter
    # can be sepcified for secure (HTTPS) communication
    k = Klout('...', secure=True)
    # Optionally a timeout parameter (seconds) can also be sent with all calls
    score = k.user.score(kloutId=kloutId, timeout=5).get('score')


  • I add the following change and it works fine:

    for cursor in collection.find().limit(10000):
            name =  cursor['user']['name']
            print name.encode('utf-8')
            kloutId = k.identity.klout(screenName=name).get('id')
            score = k.user.score(kloutId=kloutId).get('score')
            print "User's klout score is: %s" % (score)
            # By default all communication is not secure (HTTP). An optional secure parameter
            # can be sepcified for secure (HTTPS) communication
            k = Klout('...', secure=True)
            # Optionally a timeout parameter (seconds) can also be sent with all calls
            score = k.user.score(kloutId=kloutId, timeout=5).get('score')
            counter = counter+1
            except (KloutHTTPError, UnicodeEncodeError) as e:
                            print "Oops!  That was no kloudId found with that name, or unicode exception.  Try again... ", counter