I'm refer "AllJoyn Programming Guide for the Objective-C Language" Document. document is here
But when I build basic code, It will show
/myroot/alljoyn-14.02.00-osx_ios-sdk/alljoyn_objc/AllJoynFramework/AllJoynFramework/AJNVersion.mm:17:9: 'alljoyn/Version.h' file not found
I had put AllJoyn SDK and OpenSSL file in the folder and setting some property based on the document.
Have any one know how to resolve the problem?
I fell It's not find the AllJoyn iOS SDK Framework, but I had setting based on this document.
Thank you very much.
-- renew--
my header search path
It's my data folder structure
I had find the problem. The problem is header search path not correct. When I set environment variable by terminal. I was not restart xcode . So there are still not find header file.