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Creating a Class to Handle Access Form Control Events

I'm trying to create a Class which will handle multiple Control Events in Access. This is to save the repetition of typing out many lines of identical code.

I've followed the answer located on the following page, but with a few adjustments to tailor it to Access rahter than Excel.

How to assign a common procedure for multiple buttons?

My Class code below:

Option Compare Database

Public WithEvents ct As Access.CommandButton 'Changed object type to something recognised by Access

Public Sub ct_Click()
    MsgBox ct.Name & " clicked!"
End Sub

My Form code below:

Option Compare Database
Private listenerCollection As New Collection
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim ctItem
Dim listener As clListener

For Each ctItem In Me.Controls
    If ctItem.ControlType = acCommandButton Then 'Changed to test whether control is a Command Button
        Set listener = New clListener
        Set listener.ct = ctItem
        listenerCollection.Add listener
    End If

End Sub

I have noted with comments where I have made changes to the (working) Excel code. I think the problem comes with the object declaration in the Class. Note: no errors are thrown during this procedure; it simply doesn't trigger the event.

Thanks in advance!


I've since narrowed the problem down to there being no '[Event Procedure]' in the 'On Click' Event. If I add it manually, the Class works as expected. Obviously, I don't want to have to add these manually - it defeats the object. Any ideas how I would go about this?


  • In your OnLoad event you can add this line

    Dim ctItem
    Dim listener As clListener
    For Each ctItem In Me.Controls
        If ctItem.ControlType = acCommandButton Then 'Changed to test whether control is a Command Button
            Set listener = New clListener
            Set listener.ct = ctItem
            listener.ct.OnClick = "[Event Procedure]"  '<------- Assigned the event handler
            listenerCollection.Add listener
        End If

    Although I'm not sure if this is more is less code than just double clicking in the OnClick in the designer and pasting in a method call. It's cool regardless.

    Edit: You could change your class like this

    Public WithEvents ct As Access.CommandButton 'Changed object type to something recognised by Access
    Public Function AddControl(ctrl as Access.CommandButton) as Access.CommandButton
        set ct = ctrl
        ct.OnClick = "[Event Procedure]"
        Set AddControl = ct
    End Function
    Public Sub ct_Click()
        MsgBox ct.Name & " clicked!"
    End Sub

    Then in your form you can add a ct like this

    For Each ctItem In Me.Controls
        If ctItem.ControlType = acCommandButton Then 'Changed to test whether control is a Command Button
            Set listener = New clListener
            listener.AddControl ctItem
            listenerCollection.Add listener
        End If

    Now the event handler is added in the class.