I am implementing a form of CQRS that uses a single data store but separate Query and Command models. For the command side of things I am implementing DDD including Repositories, IoC and Dependency Injection. For the Query side I am using the Finder pattern as described here. Basically, a finder is similar to a Repository, but with Find methods only.
So in my application for the read side, in my DAL, I use ADO.net and raw SQL to do my queries. The ADO.Net stuff is all abstracted away into a nice helper class so that my Finder classes simply pass the query to the ADO helper which returns generic data objects which the finder/mapper class turns into read models.
Currently the Finder methods, like my command repositories, are accessed through interfaces that are injected into my controllers, but I am wondering if the interfaces, DI and IoC are overkill for the query side, as everything I have read about the read side of CQRS recommends a "thin data layer".
Why not just access my Finders directly? I understand the arguments for interfaces and DI. ie Separation of Concerns and testability. In the case of SOC, my DAL has already separated out database specific logic by using a mapper class and putting the ADO.net stuff in a helper class. As far as testing is concerned, according to this question unit testing read models is not a necessity.
So in summary, for read models, can I just do this:
public class PersonController : Controller
public ActionResult Details(int id)
var person = new Person();
person = PersonFinder.GetByID(id);
// TODO: Map person to viewmodel
return this.View(viewmodel);
Instead of this:
public class PersonController : Controller
private IPersonFinder _person;
public PersonController(IPersonFinder person)
_person = person;
public ActionResult Details(int id)
Person person = _person.GetByID(id);
// TODO: Map person to viewmodel
return this.View(viewmodel);
Are you using both IoC and DI? That's bad ass! Anyways, the second version is the better one because it doesn't depend on a static class. Using statics will open Pandora's box, don't do it, for all the reasons that using static is bad.
You really don't get any benefits for using a static class and once you are already using a DI Container, there's no additional cost. And you are using the Finders directly but you let the DI Container instantiate one instead of you calling a static object.
A thin read layer refers to using a simplified read model instead of the rich domain objects. It is unrelated to DI, it doesn't matter how the query service is built or by whom, it matters to not involve the business objects in queries.