I am writing an order exporter in PHP and am having difficulty with php checking a csv header and then writing to a file.
I have my code which opens the file, then writes to the csv
$fh = fopen($file_compile, 'w');
I then write my header:
$header = '"OrderId", "Customer";
foreach ($products as $product) {
$header .= ', "' . $product . '"';
fputs($fh, $header . "\n");
which gives me an output
I now generate my $line
which outputs:
array(3) {
string(9) "100000033"
string(14) "Graeme Houston"
array(3) {
Now as you can see, my array doesn't exactly match the CSV above it, which is fine, what I would like to achieve is, if there is a value in the total
that matches a value in the header, to but the integer value in the cell. (scratches head)
To illustrate:
I must add I have been trying to figure this out for a few days, I cant get my head round it, hence the post on here. I would be extremely grateful if someone could point me in the right direction.
Not that complex...
$header = array('OrderId','Customer');
foreach ($products as $product) {
$header[] = $product;
$tmp = '"' .implode('","',$header) . '"';
fputs($fh, $tmp . "\n");
For your header construction... Then for you line output something similar to:
foreach($header as $key){
if(empty($line[$key])) $line[$key] = NULL;
if(empty($line[$key]) && !empty($line['total'][$key])){
$line[$key] = $line['total'][$key];
Now you've filled the gaps for non-existent columns, and given values to the existent ones.