According to the Sonata source code, the last node in the breadcrumb is rendered this way:
# standard_layout.html.twig #
<li class="active"><span>{{ menu.label }}</span></li>
In my setup, when opening a given Admin subclass, the last node simply becomes a raw string according to the entity handled by the Admin:
Dashboard / Entity List / Acme\SomeBundle\Entity\Stuff:000000001d74ac0a00007ff2930a326f
How can I set the value of menu.label to get something more appropriate? I have tried, in my Admin subclass, to override the following:
protected function configureTabMenu(MenuItemInterface $menu, $action, AdminInterface $childAdmin = null) {
$this->configureSideMenu($menu, $action, $childAdmin);
protected function configureSideMenu(MenuItemInterface $menu, $action, AdminInterface $childAdmin = null) {
$menu->setLabel("Some nice label");
$menu->setName("Some nice name");
However, this does not change anything, even though I have verified that the methods above are called during runtime.
Finally found a good (and somewhat obvious) solution to this.
The Sonata Admin class uses an internal toString($object) method in order to get a label string for the entity it is handling. Thus, the key is to implement the __toString() method of the entity in question:
public function __toString() {
return "test";