I've installed gitorious on CentOS 6 32bit via getgetorious.com's installer. I went ahead and edited the gitorious.yml with my host name "git.mydomain.com". Restarted gitorious with /usr/bin/restart_gitorious.
I have checked the conf.d/gitorious.conf file for nginx and it shows the server name as my "git.mydomain.com".
When I try to login I get redirected back to the homepage and nothing happens. I checked the headers being sent from the server and the cookies are for "www.mydomain.com" instead of "git.mydomain.com"
I have a server block in my nginx.conf for "www.mydomain.com" which points to a completely different directory. I can't figure out how and why the cookies are being set to www instead of git.
Here's paste of my headers. I've replaced my actual domain with mydomain.com.
I'm also seeing this error in the production.log file
WARNING: Invalid request host 'git.fruition.company'. Session cookies will not work
I have made the following changes to my gitorious.yml file.
# Host the ./script/gitorious script should use: client_host: git.fruition.company
# Host which is serving the gitorious app, eg "gitorious.org"
host: git.fruition.company
I have also tried setting the hostname using the provided shell script to no avail.
I can't figure out where or why the cookies are being set to www instead of git.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I ended up running the install script again and create a new user. Everything seems to work now.