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Custom bluetooth low energy advertising data and scan response data

I am trying to create a custom BLE advertisement and scan response. The advertisement is an iBeacon. I also want it to broadcast the availability of a service. I cannot put the service uuid in the advertisment data because it would be too long (from my understanding, Bluegiga's BGScript only allows 32 octets in the advertisment data). I put the service uuid in the scan response, hoping that that would allow a mobile device to see the service in order to search for and connect to the device. For some reason, I cannot get it to work. iOS is no longer picking up the BLE device up as an iBeacon, and doesn't recognize that the service is available. What AD type would I use for the service uuid, and how would I format that data (including the service uuid)?

Here is what I have so far:

Advertisement data

02 01 06 // flags
1a ff 4c 00 02 15 // manufacturer data, apple company id, iBeacon preamble
aa aa aa aa - aa aa - aa aa - aa aa - aa aa aa aa aa aa // iBeacon UUID
00 01 00 01 // iBeacon major, minor
c6 // measured tx power

Scan response data

11 // length
16 // ad type (I am not sure what this should be)
a5 b7 67 a0 - 74 9b - 11 e3 - 98 1f - 08 00 20 0c 9a 66 // service UUID

For better context, here is the section from the BGScript for the BLE112:

event system_boot( major, minor, patch, build, ll_version, protocol_version, hw )

    call gap_set_adv_parameters( 20, 100, 7 )

    call gap_set_mode( gap_general_discoverable, gap_undirected_connectable )

    # Flags
    data( 0:1) = $02
    data( 1:1) = $01
    data( 2:1) = $06

    # Manufacturer data
    data( 3:1) = $1a
    data( 4:1) = $ff

    # Preamble
    data( 5:1) = $4c
    data( 6:1) = $00
    data( 7:1) = $02
    data( 8:1) = $15

    # UUID
    data( 9:1) = $aa
    data(10:1) = $aa
    data(11:1) = $aa
    data(12:1) = $aa
    data(13:1) = $aa
    data(14:1) = $aa
    data(15:1) = $aa
    data(16:1) = $aa
    data(17:1) = $aa
    data(18:1) = $aa
    data(19:1) = $aa
    data(20:1) = $aa
    data(21:1) = $aa
    data(22:1) = $aa
    data(23:1) = $aa
    data(24:1) = $aa

    # Major
    data(25:1) = $00
    data(26:1) = $01

    # Minor
    data(27:1) = $00
    data(28:1) = $01

    # Measured power (specified in 2's complement, so 0xC6 is -58)
    data(29:1) = $c6

    # Scan Response Data
    sr_data( 0:1) = $11
    sr_data( 1:1) = $21

    # Service Uuid
    sr_data( 2:1) = $a5
    sr_data( 3:1) = $b7
    sr_data( 4:1) = $67
    sr_data( 5:1) = $a0
    sr_data( 6:1) = $74
    sr_data( 7:1) = $9b
    sr_data( 8:1) = $11
    sr_data( 9:1) = $e3
    sr_data(10:1) = $98
    sr_data(11:1) = $1f
    sr_data(12:1) = $08
    sr_data(13:1) = $00
    sr_data(14:1) = $20
    sr_data(15:1) = $0c
    sr_data(16:1) = $9a
    sr_data(17:1) = $66

    # Set advertisement data
    call gap_set_adv_data(0, 30, data(0:30))
    call gap_set_adv_data(1, 18, sr_data(0:18))

    #set bondable mode
    call sm_set_bondable_mode(1)



  • I was able to get the service uuid to broadcast in the scan response packet. It works fine with both CLLocationManager (iBeacon) and CBCentralManager (BLE) simultaneously. I think there were a few other changes elsewhere that made it work, but I am not sure where they were. I used the "Incomplete List of 128-bit Service Class UUIDs" AD type (0x06) and I figured out that I had the endianness of the uuid backward.

    Here is the scan response data I used:

        # Scan Response Data
        sr_data( 0:1) = $11
        sr_data( 1:1) = $06
        # Service Uuid
        sr_data( 2:1) = $66
        sr_data( 3:1) = $9a
        sr_data( 4:1) = $0c
        sr_data( 5:1) = $20
        sr_data( 6:1) = $00
        sr_data( 7:1) = $08
        sr_data( 8:1) = $1f
        sr_data( 9:1) = $98
        sr_data(10:1) = $e3
        sr_data(11:1) = $11
        sr_data(12:1) = $9b
        sr_data(13:1) = $74
        sr_data(14:1) = $a0
        sr_data(15:1) = $67
        sr_data(16:1) = $b7
        sr_data(17:1) = $a5