Getting this error when trying to push to our mercurial repository:
**An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
I don't believe related to the size of the push as it's occurring on a push that's about 140kb. Everything was working fine about a week ago.
Any ideas?
Here's the log:
4 changesets found
list of changesets:
bundling: 1/4 changesets (25.00%)
bundling: 2/4 changesets (50.00%)
bundling: 3/4 changesets (75.00%)
bundling: 4/4 changesets (100.00%)
bundling: 1/4 manifests (25.00%)
bundling: 2/4 manifests (50.00%)
bundling: 3/4 manifests (75.00%)
bundling: 4/4 manifests (100.00%)
bundling: library/images/fratto.jpg 1/2 files (50.00%)
bundling: library/images/raghu.jpg 2/2 files (100.00%)
sending unbundle command
sending 74493 bytes
sending: 64/144 kb (44.44%) certificate successfully verified
sending: 128/144 kb (88.89%)
abort: error: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
Server is Windows 2008 R2 64 bit, Running Mercurial v 2.9.2 with python 2.7.6 and tortoisehg 2.11.2
It was custom error pages in IIS! These were inherited custom error pages for our ColdFusion website. I took them all off and now it's working like a charm.