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JMockit - mock CXF webservice port object

I'm trying to unit test a webservice wrapper class which attempts to hide all the webservice implementation details. It's called from a scripting platform so all interfaces are simple String or integers. The class provides a static initialise method which takes the hostname and port number and uses this to create a private static Apache CXF IRemote port instance (generated from CXF wsdl2java). Subsequent calls to a static business method delegate to the port instance.

How can I use JMockit to mock the CXF port stub when unit testing the static wrapper class?

public class WebServiceWrapper {

private static final QName SERVICE_NAME = new QName("", 
private static IRemoteExample _port = null;

public static final String initialise(String url) {
    if(_port != null) return STATUS_SUCCESS;
    try {
        URL wsdlURL = new URL(url);

        ExampleService svc = new ExampleService(wsdlURL, SERVICE_NAME);
        _port = svc.getIRemoteExamplePort();

        BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider)_port;
        Map<String, Object> context = bp.getRequestContext();
        context.put(BindingProvider.SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY, true);

        return STATUS_SUCCESS;
    catch(MalformedURLException ex) {
        return STATUS_ERROR_PREFIX + ex.getMessage();
    catch(WebServiceException ex) {
        return STATUS_ERROR_PREFIX + ex.getMessage();

public static final String businessMethod(String arg) {
    if(_port == null) {
        return STATUS_ERROR_PREFIX + "Attempted to call businessMethod before connection is initialised. Pease call initialise first.";

    try {
        BusinessMethodRequest request = new BusinessMethodRequest ();
        BusinessThing thing = new BusinessThing();
        BusinessMethodResponse response = _port.businessMethod(request);
        String result = response.getResult();       
        if(result == null) {
            return STATUS_ERROR_PREFIX + "Null returned!";
        return STATUS_SUCCESS;
    catch(MyBusinessException_Exception ex) {
        return STATUS_ERROR_PREFIX + ex.getFaultInfo().getReason();
    catch(WebServiceException ex) {
        return STATUS_ERROR_PREFIX + ex.getMessage();

Example behaviour of the webservice would be, if I pass the value "OK" then it returns a success message, but if I call with a value of "DUPLICATE" then the webservice would throw a MyBusinessException_Exception.

I think I have managed to mock the _port object, but the business call always returns a null Response object so I suspect that my Expectations does not define the "BusinessThing" object correctly. My Test method so far.

public void testBusinessMethod(@Mocked final IRemoteExample port) {

    new NonStrictExpectations() {
        @Capturing IRemoteExample port2;
            BusinessThing thing = new BusinessThing();
            BusinessMethodRequest req = new BusinessMeothdRequest();

            BusinessMethodResponse resp = new BusinessMethodResponse ();

            try {
            catch(MyBusinessException_Exception ex) {

            Deencapsulation.setField(WebServiceWrapper.class, "_port", port);

    String actual = WebServiceWrapper.businessMethod("OK");
    assertEquals(WebServiceWrapper.STATUS_SUCCESS, actual);


  • Seems to be working as follows.

    Added a custom Matcher class for my BusinessMethodRequest

        class BusinessMethodRequestMatcher extends TypeSafeMatcher<BusinessMethodRequest> {
        private final BusinessMethodRequestexpected;
        public BusinessMethodRequestMatcher(BusinessMethodRequest expected) {
            this.expected. = expected;
        public boolean matchesSafely(BusinessMethodRequest actual) {
            // could improve with null checks
            return expected.getThing().getValue().equals(actual.getThing().getValue());
        public void describeTo(Description description) {
            description.appendText(expected == null ? null : expected.toString());

    Then use "with" in my Expectation.

        try {
        port.createResource(with(req, new BusinessMethodRequestMatcher(req)));

    The mock object now recognises the business method call with the correct parameter and returns the expected response object.