While trying to find a solution I've happen to notice the following two questions:
I'll investigate using these two post and will update if it came to be helpful.
I got this horizontal feed that contain 1 item per page. Each item contain some textual info and a background image that I'm pulling from a url.
Since the background images are in high quality it might take some time to download it, so I figured out I'll need a placeholder. The placeholder I would like to use is an extreme blurred, really low quality version of the background image which means I need a variation of the beloved AFNetworking
method: [bg setImageWithURL: placeholderImage:]
- something that will know how to accept a placeholder that comes from a url (making the assumption that the placeholder image weigh MUCH less then the original size one).
To sum up, my question is: How to get an image from a url and use a placeholder, where the placeholder image is from a url as well?
Things I tried:
Creating another UIImageView *placeholder
and use the [placeholder setImageWithURL:]
method on it with the url of the placeholder, then using the placeholder.image
as the placeholder of the [bg setImageWithURL: placeholderImage:]
Using the [placeHolderImage setImageWithURLRequest:placeholderImage:success:failure:]
method, and in the success block calling the [bg setImageWithURL:]
Apparently I was on the right track and due to lack of attention it didn't work. (had problem with retain cycle)
Using the two links I provided in the question, I eventually managed to solve the problem by using the setImageWithURLRequest:placeholderImage:success:failure:
for the placeholder, and on the success block, make another use of the setImageWithURLRequest:placeholderImage:success:failure:
method - this time for the original image.
I'll provide a code snippet of my solution - might help someone in the future:
//Protect against retain cycle
__weak UIImageView *weakBg = bg;
//get the placeholder - note the placeholderImage parameter is nil (I don't need a placeholder to the placeholder
[bg setImageWithURLRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:placeholderURL]]
placeholderImage: nil
success:^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, UIImage *image) {
UIImageView *strongBg = weakBg; // Make local strong reference to protect against race conditions
if (!strongBg) return;
//Protect against retain cycle
__weak UIImageView *weakBg = strongBg;
//Get the original bg with the low quality bg as placeholder
[strongBg setImageWithURLRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:originalBgImageURL]]
success:^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, UIImage *image) {
UIImageView *strongBg = weakBg; // Make local strong reference to protect against race conditions
if (!strongBg) return;
//Do stuff
} failure:NULL];
} failure:NULL];