I have +20 scrapy crawlers
that I want to deploy
manually from a browser webpage
In order to achieve this, I have created a simple twisted server
that executes in a shell process the following commands:
scrapyd-deploy default -p $project
curl -d project=$project -d spider=$spider
These commands are executed in twisted
using utils.getProcessOutput(scriptname)
. The two previous commands are inside the script
given as a parameter.
When trying to execute the twisted server with twistd -y <server.py>
, it gives the following error: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): : got stderr: 'Packing version 1399464111\n'
Here is the twisted
server's code:
from twisted.internet import utils, reactor
from twisted.web import server, resource
from twisted.application import internet, service
class CrawlerResource(resource.Resource):
isLeaf = True
script = "./script2.sh"
def render_GET(self, request):
deferred = utils.getProcessOutput(self.script)
deferred.addCallback(lambda s: (request.write(s+"success!\n"), request.finish()))
deferred.addErrback(lambda s: (request.write(str(s)), request.finish()))
return server.NOT_DONE_YET
# factory: create a protocol for each connection
resource = CrawlerResource()
factory = server.Site(resource)
# application & service: run server in the background as a service
application = service.Application("Crawlers deployer")
service = internet.TCPServer(8000, factory)
What's causing this error (it isnt very verbose)?
Bytes on the child process's standard error stream are causing this. getProcessOutput
treats any standard error output as an error and fails the Deferred
You might fix this by passing errortoo=True
to getProcessOutput
. This makes it mix stdout and stderr together in the result instead of treating data on stderr as an error.
You can read about this behavior in the getProcessOutput API documentation.