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Wpf xamlreader load xaml with custom elements

I got a canvas with custom elements, similar to texboxes and shapes.

<Canvas Name="SomeCanvas" >
    <TextBox_Element   Canvas.Left="400" Canvas.Top="200" Height="50" Name="s3" Background="#57FF3ACB"  />

Which im saving to a file with:

SerializeToXML(filename, SomeCanvas);

Later I´m trying to load that file and convert ist back to the original canvas with:

FileStream fs = File.Open(openFileDialog.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
Canvas savedCanvas = XamlReader.Load(fs) as Canvas;

The last method throws a XamlParseException:

No matching constructor found on type '...TextBox_Element'. You can use the Arguments or FactoryMethod directives to construct this type.'

Does anybody know how to restore the canvas the way it was from the file? Thanks


  • Do you have a parameterless constructor in your custom class? If not, try this:

    public class TextBox_Element{
        public TextBox_Element(double x, double y){
            // code
        public TextBox_Element(){
            // emptyness

    That worked for me, i hope itsolves your problem too!