Does Microsoft group WinPhone8 and WinRT device's displays into groups/categories as Apple (iOS: standard and retina) and Google (Android: ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, etc.) do?
WinPhone8 DPI range from about 220 up to 440, so I doubt that's all "standard". I've searched but found nothing…
If someone could give me a link to the docs that would be great!
Why do I need this Info:
I'm adding WinPhone8 and WinRT support to my Unity3d Editor extension xARM.
It provides a sortable list of resolutions, display diagonals, … and DPI-Groups per platform. Currently the DPI-Group-Column is empty...
Windows Phone 8 and Windows RT devices aren't grouped into DPI categories. However both platforms have their own scaling system which is based on resolution (not DPI). So it could be used for grouping, but it's not a very helpful info.