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Google maps SDK didTapMyLocationButtonForMapView not being called in iOS 7

I'm using google maps SDK 1.7.2 on a projectd using iOS 7 (I just upgraded it from iOS6). For some reason all the GMSMapViewDelegate callbacks work but this one

- (BOOL) didTapMyLocationButtonForMapView: (GMSMapView *)mapView

enter image description here

I'm assuming this should be called when the arrow button is tapped right? Any idea why it isn't?

This is how I instantiate the mapsview:

mapView_ = [GMSMapView mapWithFrame:[[self mainView] bounds] 
                             camera:[self currentCameraUseStandartZoom:YES]];
[[mapView_ settings] setMyLocationButton:YES];
[mapView_ setDelegate:self];
[[self mainView] addSubview:mapView_];


  • just in case someone is having the same problem.. i pretty much resolved this by using a hack.. here it is:

    in my main.m file I customized the UIResponder class:

    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        @autoreleasepool {
            return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv,  NSStringFromClass([TPMUApplication class]), NSStringFromClass([TPMUAppDelegate class]));


    #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
    @class TPMUTaxiRequestVC;
    @interface TPMUApplication : UIApplication
    // basically the view controller that will be informed that 
    // the user has tapped the my location button, normally it would subscribe to
    // the GMSMapViewDelegate protocol, and it should have a GMSMapView property
    @property (nonatomic, strong) TPMUTaxiRequestVC *taxiRequestVC;


    #import "TPMUApplication.h"
    #import "TPMUTaxiRequestVC.h"
    @implementation TPMUApplication
    - (void)sendEvent:(UIEvent *)event
        [super sendEvent:event];
        UIView *touchReceipientView =((UITouch *)[event.allTouches anyObject]).view;
        CGRect myLocationButtonFourchIncFrame = CGRectMake(256, 525, 64, 54);
        CGRect myLocationButtonThreeHalfIncFrame = CGRectMake(256, 336, 64, 54);
        if (CGRectEqualToRect(touchReceipientView.frame, myLocationButtonFourchIncFrame) ||
            CGRectEqualToRect(touchReceipientView.frame, myLocationButtonThreeHalfIncFrame)) {
            if (self.taxiRequestVC.mapState != TPMUMapStateInMotionAsResultOfMyLocationButtonTap) {
                self.taxiRequestVC.mapState = TPMUMapStateInMotionAsResultOfMyLocationButtonTap;
                // notice that didTapMyLocationButtonForMapView is actually 
                // a method in the GMSMapViewDelegate protocol.. and since 
                // taxiRequestVC subscribes to that protocol.. we simply call it here
                // as if it was natively called
                [self.taxiRequestVC didTapMyLocationButtonForMapView:self.taxiRequestVC.mapView];

    and just in case you were wondering, TPMUMapStateInMotionAsResultOfMyLocationButtonTap is a state of a state machine variable with the following states:

    typedef enum
        TPMUMapStateIdle = 0,
    } TPMUMapState;

    since I wanted to track motion in the map as a result of location button tap vs user gesture.

    hope this helps!