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Anonymous access to Sitecore item

I was wondering is there any way to enable anonymous access to some specific SiteCore content item? Assigning read permissions to extranet\anonymous for the item through Sitecore admin - doesn't help...

[UPDATE] In access viewer I ensured that extranet\anonymous has read access to required item. In site definition I use extranet domain for my site:

<site name="website" hostName="mytest" patch:before="site[@name='scheduler']" virtualFolder="/" physicalFolder="/" enableAnalytics="true" rootPath="/sitecore/content/My Test" startItem="/Home" database="master" filterItems="true" domain="extranet" allowDebug="true" cacheHtml="true" htmlCacheSize="10MB" registryCacheSize="0" viewStateCacheSize="0" xslCacheSize="5MB" filteredItemsCacheSize="2MB" enablePreview="true" enableWebEdit="true" enableDebugger="true" enableWorkflow="true" disableClientData="false" loginPage="/login/Login.aspx"/>


  • Resolution: Remove extranet/anonymous deny read permission from "sitecore" element in the content tree.

    To prevent anonymous access to the whole site you can just use "sitecore/content" element.

    To allow anonymous access to any child item - assign read permission to anonymous user from the site domain. In my case it was extranet/anonymous.

    I wonder is it bug or feature. Anyway, I'm happy that I found the solution.