I am familiar with Raphael.js and I am using it in my web application.
But,What is the purpose of converting the Raphael java script file into modules published in the this article https://github.com/vraa/raphael-require
The new module files are---> raphael.svg.js, raphael.core.js, raphael.vml.js, raphel.amd.js and raphael.eve.js
But they have not told how to use these new files
It has been told told that , by doing this we can use raphael with eve.js.
Since this concept is entirely new to me, I wanted to know the purpose of doing this.If any one has already done some thing with this , then it will be highly helpful for me .Since I can adopt this approach in my application to get better results.
This issue is resolved . Require.js taken from DOJO javascript library. After experimenting with samples given in DOJO site I am able to use require.js properly.