In my webview I set the download pop actionsheet while it find the anykind of file format.when i click the download button from the actionsheet then it download my file correctly from the url(using NSURLConnection and corresponding methods).Here i need the download progress is visible in another tableviewcontroller with progressbar.
if ([[[currentURL lastPathComponent]pathExtension]isEqualToString:@"mp3"]||
[[[currentURL lastPathComponent]pathExtension]isEqualToString:@"pdf"]||
[[[currentURL lastPathComponent]pathExtension]isEqualToString:@"mp4"]){
NSLog(@"downloadprogress method");
NSLog(@"CURRENT URL:::%@",currentURL);
[passArray addObject:currentURL];
[[self.tabBarController.tabBar.items objectAtIndex:2] setBadgeValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",passArray.count]];
here i add url when i click download button to passArray and pass it to my tableviewcontroller.But that is not working.
Detail Explaination:
Here i done the first 2 steps.How can i do the 3 and 4? Please help me......
+(GlobalVariables *)shareObj{
static GlobalVariables *single=nil;
if (!single) {
single=[[GlobalVariables alloc]init];
return single;
use singleton to shareobject...........