I have an DomElement with this content:
$cell = <td colspan=3>
<p class=5tablebody>
<span style='position:relative;top:14.0pt'>
<img width=300 height=220 src="forMerrin_files/image020.png">
There, I am geting the p element with:
$paragraphs = $xpath->query('.//p', $cell);
My goal is to get the img element from the cell element.
I have tried:
But I am getting null. Any idea why?
Thank you
Is this what you after?
$htmlStr = '<td colspan=3>
<p class=5tablebody>
<span style=\'position:relative;top:14.0pt\'>
<img width=300 height=220 src="forMerrin_files/image020.png">
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$paragraphs = $doc->getElementsByTagName('img');
string 'forMerrin_files/image020.png' (length=28)