I have 800 line text in my document in Eclipse. I want to format my code like below.
Hi hello (how are you?) -> Hi hello
Another example (5895489 hi again) -> Another example
as you can see I want to delete starts with "(
" and ends with ")
How can I do it in Eclipse with regular expressions?
You can use the following, the replacement value will be an empty value.
search: \s*\([^)]*\)
Regular expression:
\s* whitespace (\n, \r, \t, \f, and " ") (0 or more times)
\( '('
[^)]* any character except: ')' (0 or more times)
\) ')'
Note: I added the \s*
to match for leading whitespace just in case so that it don't leave trailing whitespace after the replacement is made.