I've read in the past that nesting multiple resources is not good practice.
I've got models, Hotel, Room, and Visit. (H has_many R, R has many V)
If you're not supposed to nest this many times, like below...
resources :hotels do
resources :rooms do
resources :visits
then what is the best practice?
I would like to be able to retrieve all the visits for a specific room via something like room/3/visits... but I would be unable to do that currently as the above code would break best practice nesting.
Shallow Nesting
"One way to avoid deep nesting (as recommended above) is to generate the collection actions scoped under the parent, so as to get a sense of the hierarchy, but to not nest the member actions."
See Rails Guide on Routing Section 2.7.2 Shallow Nesting for more information
In your case, you'd be looking at:
resources :hotels do
resources :rooms, shallow: true
resources :rooms, only: [] do
resources :visits
this is equivalent to:
resources :hotels do
resources :rooms, only: [:index, :new, :create]
resources :rooms, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]
and would provide you with the following routes:
GET /hotels/:hotel_id/rooms(.:format) rooms#index
POST /hotels/:hotel_id/rooms(.:format) rooms#create
new_hotel_room GET /hotels/:hotel_id/rooms/new(.:format) rooms#new
edit_room GET /rooms/:id/edit(.:format) rooms#edit
room GET /rooms/:id(.:format) rooms#show
PATCH /rooms/:id(.:format) rooms#update
PUT /rooms/:id(.:format) rooms#update
DELETE /rooms/:id(.:format) rooms#destroy
hotels GET /hotels(.:format) hotels#index
POST /hotels(.:format) hotels#create
new_hotel GET /hotels/new(.:format) hotels#new
edit_hotel GET /hotels/:id/edit(.:format) hotels#edit
hotel GET /hotels/:id(.:format) hotels#show
PATCH /hotels/:id(.:format) hotels#update
PUT /hotels/:id(.:format) hotels#update
DELETE /hotels/:id(.:format) hotels#destroy
room_visits GET /rooms/:room_id/visits(.:format) visits#index
POST /rooms/:room_id/visits(.:format) visits#create
new_room_visit GET /rooms/:room_id/visits/new(.:format) visits#new
edit_room_visit GET /rooms/:room_id/visits/:id/edit(.:format) visits#edit
room_visit GET /rooms/:room_id/visits/:id(.:format) visits#show
PATCH /rooms/:room_id/visits/:id(.:format) visits#update
PUT /rooms/:room_id/visits/:id(.:format) visits#update
DELETE /rooms/:room_id/visits/:id(.:format) visits#destroy