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Intellij - Reformat Code - Insert whitespace between // and the comment-text?

I am working with another human being on project from that the professor expects to have uniform code-style. We have written large separate junks of code on our own, in which one has written single line comments without a white-space between the single-line-comment-token and the other one has inserted a white-space. We are working with IntelliJ and have failed to find an option to enable the Reformat Code function, to insert a white-space.

TLDR: Can you tell us how to convert comments from that to this in IntelliJ?

// This is a load bearing comment - don't dare to remove it
//This is a load bearing comment - don't dare to remove it!


  • You can do a global search and replace (ctrl-shift-r on windows with default keyboard layout, or Replace in Path under the Edit/Find menu).

    Check the regular expression option and enter //(\S.*) as the text to find and // $1 as the replacement. Check the whole project option, and clear any file masks. You can single step through the replacements, or simply hit the All Files option.