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Register NPAPI Plugins

i try to register an own NPAPI Plugin, but i dont found informations about that.

I know that the NPAPI on Chrome is deprecated (i will write a PPAPI Plugin later) but Chrome-Docs says that i must use a manifest.json (See But how i register it?

Following i had try:

Over an BATCH-File (register.bat):

 regsvr32.exe /s "C:\Users\Bizzi\Desktop\WoRPG Plugin\npworpg\Release\npworpg.dll"

Directly in the Registry:

        Description  REG_SZ   World of RPG Browser Plugin
        Path         REG_SZ   C:\Users\Bizzi\Desktop\WoRPG Plugin\npworpg\Release\npworpg.dll
        ProductName  REG_SZ   World of RPG Plug-In
        Vendor       REG_SZ   World of RPG
        Version      REG_SZ   1.0.0

                Description  REG_SZ   World of RPG


  • The solution is very simple!

    Be sure what the depency the browser have. If the browser an 64bit based browser, be sure that the registry entry is set:

    Chrome (32bit): KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome\Extensions

    Chrome (64bit): KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Google\Chrome\Extensions

    Firefox (32bit): KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MozillaPlugins

    Firefox (64bit): KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\MozillaPlugins

    Here is a little .reg script:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    ; MOZILLA 32bit
    "Description"="World of RPG Browser Plugin"
    "Path"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\World of RPG\\plugins\\npworpg.dll"
    "Vendor"="World of RPG"
    "Description"="World of RPG"
    ; MOZILLA 64bit
    "Description"="World of RPG Browser Plugin"
    "Path"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\World of RPG\\plugins\\npworpg.dll"
    "Vendor"="World of RPG"
    "Description"="World of RPG"
    ; CHROME 32bit
    "Path"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\World of RPG\\plugins\\npworpg.dll"
    ; CHROME 64bit
    "Path"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\World of RPG\\plugins\\npworpg.dll"