Search code examples

SQL Pivot Issue

If you could please help with this. The code generates an error: Msg 8156, Level 16, State 1, Line 236 The column 'Classification_Value_Id' was specified multiple times for 'piv1'.

I am doing this on SQL Server. The steps for the code is as follows: 1. Unpivot the data from the source table DB.[dbo].[Classification] into one column 2. Join this unpivoted data to a table called DB.dbo.[Classification_Value] to return/add the column 'cv.Classification_Name' to the data set 3. Pivot this dataset (This is the part returning the error)


     , actjvPartnerRef
     , actMonth
     , actSalesChannel
     , addCBPCharge
     , agentId
     , appType
     , areaCode

--polRef,[Arrangement_Id],UnpivotedData.Classification_Value_Id,UnpivotedData.Classification_Scheme_Id,ColValues, ColNames,cv.Classification_Name

    SELECT top 10
         , [Arrangement_Id]
         , [Classification_Scheme_Id]
         , [Classification_Value_Id]
       -- ,[Arrangement_Classification_Type_Id]
       -- ,[Effective_TimeStamp]
       -- ,[End_date]
         , CAST((ISNULL([character_measure],'')) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) AS character_measure
         , CAST((ISNULL([datetime_measure],'')) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) AS datetime_measure
         , CAST([decimal_measure] AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) AS decimal_measure
         , CAST((ISNULL([integer_measure],'')) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) AS integer_measure
         , CAST((ISNULL([logical_measure],'')) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) AS logical_measure
         , CAST((ISNULL([charmax_measure],'')) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) AS charmax_measure
         , CAST((ISNULL([long_measure],'')) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) AS long_measure
      FROM DB.[dbo].[Classification] 
) AS SrcDataConverted

ColValues FOR ColNames IN
   , datetime_measure
   , decimal_measure
   , integer_measure
   , logical_measure
   , charmax_measure
   , long_measure
) AS UnpivotedData

LEFT JOIN DB.dbo.[Classification_Value] cv
ON  cv.[Classification_Scheme_Id] = UnpivotedData.[Classification_Scheme_Id]
AND cv.Classification_Value_Id = UnpivotedData.Classification_Value_Id

(MAX(ColValues) for Classification_Name in (
  , actjvPartnerRef
  , actMonth
  , actSalesChannel
  , addCBPCharge
  , agentId
  , appType
  , areaCode
)) AS piv1; 

Any help would be much appreciated

Thank you


  • StuarLC: An additional derived table needs to wrap the results of the UNPIVOT before commencing the re-PIVOT, as the join introduces a duplicated Classification_Value_Id and Classification_Scheme_id, which is needed for the join.

         , actjvPartnerRef
         , actMonth
         , actSalesChannel
         , addCBPCharge
         , agentId
         , appType
         , areaCode
    from (
       SELECT polRef
            , [Arrangement_Id]
            , UnpivotedData.Classification_Value_Id
            , UnpivotedData.Classification_Scheme_Id
            , ColValues
            , ColNames
            , Classification_Name
        FROM (
            SELECT [polRef]
                 , [Arrangement_Id]
                 , [Classification_Scheme_Id]
                 , [Classification_Value_Id]
                 , CAST((ISNULL([character_measure],'')) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) AS character_measure
                 , CAST((ISNULL([datetime_measure],'')) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) AS datetime_measure
                 , CAST([decimal_measure] AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) AS decimal_measure
                 , CAST((ISNULL([integer_measure],'')) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) AS integer_measure
                 , CAST((ISNULL([logical_measure],'')) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) AS logical_measure
                 , CAST((ISNULL([charmax_measure],'')) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) AS charmax_measure
                 , CAST((ISNULL([long_measure],'')) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) AS long_measure
              FROM DB.[dbo].[Classification] 
        ) AS SrcDataConverted
            ColValues FOR ColNames IN
               , datetime_measure
               , decimal_measure
               , integer_measure
               , logical_measure
               , charmax_measure
               , long_measure
        ) AS UnpivotedData
        LEFT JOIN 
            DB.dbo.[Classification_Value] cv
        ON  cv.[Classification_Scheme_Id] = UnpivotedData.[Classification_Scheme_Id]
        AND cv.Classification_Value_Id = UnpivotedData.Classification_Value_Id
    ) as src
        MAX(ColValues) for Classification_Name in (
              , actjvPartnerRef
              , actMonth
              , actSalesChannel
              , addCBPCharge
              , agentId
              , appType
              , areaCode
    ) AS piv1;