in my footer code i would like to add a link that takes me back to the TOC (page 1), how can this be achieved?
$backToTOC = $pdf->AddLink();
class PDF extends FPDF
// Page header
function Header()
// Logo
// Arial bold 15
// Move to the right
// Line break
// Page footer
function Footer($backToTOC)
// Position at 1.5 cm from bottom
// Arial italic 8
// Page number
$this->Cell(10,10,'Contact support: 1-800-newcoitsupport');
$this->Cell(0,10,'Page '.$this->PageNo().'/{nb}',0,0,'C');
$this->Cell(10,10,'Back to TOC',$backToTOC);
on page 1:
the result of this is:
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: backToToc in /var/www/html/reporting/index.php on line 45
update: fixed case problem now error is:
PHP Warning: Missing argument 1 for PDF::Footer(), called in /var/www/lib/fpdf/fpdf.php on line 322 and defined in /var/www/html/reporting/index.php on line 23
FPDF calls the user implemented Footer()
function like this :
// Page footer
$this->InFooter = true;
$this->InFooter = false;
You have defined the function like this :
function Footer($backToTOC) {
Which demands the caller to pass a variable. Thats why you get the "Missing argument" warning. You do not have to pass $backToTOC
since it (seems) to be defined already. Change the Footer function to
function Footer() {
global $backToTOC;
BTW, perhaps you also need to set the link / $backToTOC
to point at page 0.
$backToTOC = $pdf->AddLink();
$pdf->SetLink($backToTOC, -1, 0);