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Basic question: Is a subversion server necessary in this scenario?

Right now:

  • I have a few personal software projects I develop (just me, and on just one PC)
  • extensively use TortoiseSVN for version-control
  • run CollabNet Subversion Server on the same PC

Is there really any advantage in having a server instead of just pointing to the repository directory?

For example: instead of commiting to svn://localhost/projectname, I could just commit to C:/development/projectname and get away with it.

Could someone advice me on what the best practice is in this kind of senario?


  • No, in that situation it is not necessary to run a Subversion server. You can tell TortoiseSVN to access the repository files directly (using the file:// protocol) and everything will work fine.

    However, using a separate server will make your life easier if you:

    • want to move your Subversion server to another machine
    • start using a laptop or netbook separate from your server machine
    • want to share your work with anybody else