I have a C# application running on WinXP that needs to display some symbols, but all I'm getting are squares. I did some digging around and found font linking.
I used it successfully with Arial and Calibri, I cannot get it to work with Myriad Pro.
I set the following in the registry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE–\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontLink\SystemLink
(following http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/goglobal/bb688134)
Arial | REG_SZ | segoe_ui_symbol.ttf,Segoe UI Symbol
Calibri | REG_MULTI_SZ | segoe_ui_symbol.ttf,Segoe UI Symbol
MyriadPro | REG_MULTI_SZ | segoe_ui_sumbol.ttf,Segoe UI Symbol
and so on for MyriadPro bold, bold condensed, bold condensed italic, bold italic, condensed, condensed italic, regular, semibol, semibold italic, but I still get squares instead of the characters... I also tried using Myriad
as a key, also does not work...
Before I added the entries for Arial and Calibri I had squares instead of characters, but they started working after I added the entries.
What am I doing wrong? Can I not link Myriad Pro?
Thanks in advance!
I eventually managed to figure what was wrong.
Apparently fonts default to Microsoft Sans Serif
for missing characters, but Microsoft Sans Serif
may not have those characters.
I had to manually install Segoe UI Symbol
font and link it to Microsoft Sans Serif
I did this by adding the following entry to Microsoft Sans Serif
in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE–\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontLink\SystemLink
seguisym.ttf,Segoe UI Symbol
A pair (file name,font name). Used no spaces since it was what the page I referred in my question did.
Segoe UI Symbol
may already be installed in Win7 from what I saw in my environment, but there may be cases where you need to install it manually. YMMV here, I'm using a specific installation of Win7 for embedded systems.