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How to skip method in step-into(F11)

Lets take following example:

public static class Extensions
    public static string MakeString(this object obj)
        if (obj == null) return string.Empty;

        return obj.ToString();

public class ABC
    public void Method()
        object obj = default(object);

        //Implemention goes here..

        // Here every time in step into navigate to MakeString() Method.

    private bool IsValid(string str)
        //Check if string is valid or not..
        return true;

In this example Extentions class having extention method and am using it in class ABC and when step-into in condition with this extention and other method call then every time I step-into in MakeString() method, can we skip it? By using method attribute? or by other way?


  • You can use the DebuggerStepThrough Attribute for this.