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iOS: reachability and AFNetworking

I have this code in my AppDelegate:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions

    [[AFNetworkReachabilityManager sharedManager] setReachabilityStatusChangeBlock:^(AFNetworkReachabilityStatus status) {

        if (status == AFNetworkReachabilityStatusNotReachable){
            NSLog(@"NO CONNECTION");
        else if (status == AFNetworkReachabilityStatusReachableViaWiFi || status == AFNetworkReachabilityStatusReachableViaWWAN){

            NSLog(@"YES CONNECTION");

[[AFNetworkReachabilityManager sharedManager] startMonitoring];

return YES;

but it don't work, I have not my logs, why?


  • The block is only called when the reachability actually changes.

    You can get the current status like this:

    [[AFNetworkReachabilityManager sharedManager] reachable]