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Efficient summation in OCaml

Please note I am almost a complete newbie in OCaml. In order to learn a bit, and test its performance, I tried to implement a module that approximates Pi using the Leibniz series.

My first attempt led to a stack overflow (the actual error, not this site). Knowing from Haskell that this may come from too many "thunks", or promises to compute something, while recursing over the addends, I looked for some way of keeping just the last result while summing with the next. I found the following tail-recursive implementations of sum and map in the notes of an OCaml course, here and here, and expected the compiler to produce an efficient result.

However, the resulting executable, compiled with ocamlopt, is much slower than a C++ version compiled with clang++. Is this code as efficient as possible? Is there some optimization flag I am missing?

My complete code is:

let (--) i j =
  let rec aux n acc =
    if n < i then acc else aux (n-1) (n :: acc)
    in aux j [];;

let sum_list_tr l =
  let rec helper a l = match l with
    | [] -> a
    | h :: t -> helper (a +. h) t
  in helper 0. l

let rec tailmap f l a = match l with
  | [] -> a
  | h :: t -> tailmap f t (f h :: a);;

let rev l =
    let rec helper l a = match l with
      | [] -> a
      | h :: t -> helper t (h :: a)
    in helper l [];;

let efficient_map f l = rev (tailmap f l []);;

let summand n =
  let m = float_of_int n
  in (-1.) ** m /. (2. *. m +. 1.);;

let pi_approx n =
  4. *. sum_list_tr (efficient_map summand (0 -- n));;

let n = int_of_string Sys.argv.(1);;
Printf.printf "%F\n" (pi_approx n);;

Just for reference, here are the measured times on my machine:

❯❯❯ time ocaml/main 10000000
ocaml/main 10000000  3,33s user 0,30s system 99% cpu 3,625 total

❯❯❯ time cpp/main 10000000
cpp/main 10000000  0,17s user 0,00s system 99% cpu 0,174 total

For completeness, let me state that the first helper function, an equivalent to Python's range, comes from this SO thread, and that this is run using OCaml version 4.01.0, installed via MacPorts on a Darwin 13.1.0.


  • As I noted in a comment, OCaml's float are boxed, which puts OCaml to a disadvantage compared to Clang.

    However, I may be noticing another typical rough edge trying OCaml after Haskell: if I see what your program is doing, you are creating a list of stuff, to then map a function on that list and finally fold it into a result.

    In Haskell, you could more or less expect such a program to be automatically “deforested” at compile-time, so that the resulting generated code was an efficient implementation of the task at hand.

    In OCaml, the fact that functions can have side-effects, and in particular functions passed to high-order functions such as map and fold, means that it would be much harder for the compiler to deforest automatically. The programmer has to do it by hand.

    In other words: stop building huge short-lived data structures such as 0 -- n and (efficient_map summand (0 -- n)). When your program decides to tackle a new summand, make it do all it wants to do with that summand in a single pass. You can see this as an exercise in applying the principles in Wadler's article (again, by hand, because for various reasons the compiler will not do it for you despite your program being pure).

    Here are some results:

    $ ocamlopt
    $ time ./a.out 1000000
    real    0m0.020s
    user    0m0.013s
    sys     0m0.003s
    $ ocamlopt
    $ time ./a.out 1000000
    real    0m0.238s
    user    0m0.204s
    sys     0m0.029s
 is your version. is what you might consider an idiomatic OCaml version:

    let rec q_pi_approx p n acc =
      if n = p
      then acc
      else q_pi_approx (succ p) n (acc +. (summand p))
    let n = int_of_string Sys.argv.(1);;
    Printf.printf "%F\n" (4. *. (q_pi_approx 0 n 0.));;

    (reusing summand from your code)

    It might be more accurate to sum from the last terms to the first, instead of from the first to the last. This is orthogonal to your question, but you may consider it as an exercise in modifying a function that has been forcefully made tail-recursive. Besides, the (-1.) ** m expression in summand is mapped by the compiler to a call to the pow() function on the host, and that's a bag of hurt you may want to avoid.