i have already found the math for dealing with projectile motion but the different with mine was the directional vector and time provided.
In my code , my directional vector was -1 to 1 and time was an interval time.
How do I use those vector and time to calculate the new directional vector due to gravity?
Please help
I assume 3D space (with gravity directing in -Y direction)
// player / gun parameters
const float v0 = ???; // [m/s] gun projectile escape velocity
float direction[3] = { ?,?,? }; // [-] your unit direction vector
float position[3] = { ?,?,? }; // [m] your player position + gun barrel offset
// projectile parameters
float a[3]={0,-9.81,0}; // [m/s^2] actual acceleration (just gravity in down direction)
float v[3]=direction*v0; // [m/s] actual velocity
float p[3]=position; // [m] actual position
if you want to be precise add to v also your players velocity vector. If your projectile is rocket then add to a also its trust acceleration in its direction ...
update in some timer
const float dt = 0.001; // [s] update 'timer' period
v += a*dt;
p += v*dt;
here you can add tests like: hit something, hit ground, ... also friction is a good idea ...
F=c0*|v|^2; for air
F=c1*|v|^3; for liquid
in direction (-v/|v|)
so add to start of update this:
a-=v*c0*|v|/m; // or a-=v*c1*|v|^2/m;
where c0,c1
are friction constants (try ~0.01
) and m
is the projectile mass [kg]